School Hours:
2093 Ussery Road South, Clarksville, TN 37040
931-648-5695 | 931-503-3400 (fax)
Regular Day: 8:35 AM to 3:35 PM
Half Day: 8:35 AM to 12:05 PM
Early Release: 1:20 PM

Full day attendance is a crucial component of successful academic achievement.

Military Family Support Website
Military Family Support Website

What time can I drop off a student or pick up a student?
Students can be dropped off at parent drop off as early as 8:10am.  At 8:35 students must be signed in at the office. Parent pick-up time is at 3:15 p.m.

How could I be a volunteer in the school?
All volunteers must complete a short training given by the school before volunteering for classroom or field trip activities. We encourage all parents to be active members of the PTO and to participate in all school functions.

How can I keep updated on my child's grades and attendance?
Request your PowerSchool password through the front office. PowerSchool is the grade and attendance information software implemented for the fall 2008 school year. The software is used for students in all grade levels to efficiently collect and manage student data, while connecting parents and teachers regarding grades, homework, and attendance information. If you would like to keep updated electronically on your child’s grades and school activities, please request your PowerSchool password through the front office.

Does CHES have before and after school childcare?
The YMCA Fun Company provides before and after school childcare. There is a link above to gain more information. Scholarships are offered and DHS vouchers are accepted.

How can I work with my child over the summer to give them a good start to the next school year?
Read with your child daily. Ask them questions about what has been read.Practice appropriate level basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. This is critical knowledge for success in math instruction.

When may I talk to my child's teacher?
Teachers will set appointments to talk to parents before school, after school or during their planning time. We ask that you send a note to your child's teacher requesting an appointment.

What happens if school is dismissed early?
An emergency school closing form is sent home in the first 9 weeks of school. This form allows parents to choose options for their child concerning dismissal procedures for early closing. This form will be kept on file by the teacher and the office and we ask that parents keep their copy readily available. Please listen to the radio and watch the news for information on early dismissal. A phone message will be sent to the primary number on your child's emergency card notifying you of the time of early dismissal. We ask parents to not call the school so that all phones lines can be kept open for emergency use.

Parent Links